Hello Jean,

On Tue, 14 Aug 2007 07:08:22 -0700 GMT (14/08/2007, 21:08 +0700 GMT),
Jean Goddin wrote:

JG> I just got a message base error and selected the repair option. It
JG> said it found two damaged messages. Nothing was saved. All of my
JG> messages were gone. I closed TheBat and reopened it and they are still
JG> gone. Is there any way I can get my messages back? Some of them are
JG> support for legal issues. This is version 3.95.6

In the directory for this folder, you will find three files:
messages.tbb, messages.tbi and some *.bin file. The latter contains
your former (damaged) mailbox. You can view it with a text editor (not
everything will make sense, but you get an idea that this contains the
"lost" mails.

You can import this file with the import wizard (Tools / Import / From
TheBat message base TBB). I'm not sure whether you have to renmae the
file to .tbb first, I don't think so, but try it out.

NB: This will work only if you use "plain" message base, not
"on-the-fly encryption" (=OTFE). If your mails are important, never
use TB's internal encryption functionality.



"The tides are a fight between the Earth and moon.  All water tends
towards the moon, because there is no water in the moon, and nature
abhors a vacuum. I forget where the sun joins in this fight."

Message reply created with The Bat! 3.99.3
under Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2

Current version is 3.99 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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