> Hello Rick,

> On Sat, 1 Mar 2008 07:33:24 -0500GMT Rick Grunwald wrote:

>>>> If you're willing to trade an "n" for an "m" this would be my advise:

>>>> http://www.antispamsniper.com/

>>>> I use the Pro- but there's a freeware version too.

>>> If it is any good I don't mind paying the $19.95 for it.

>>> I will give it a go.

> ...

RG>> Watch that one - it has gone to a ad based mode that installs even if
RG>> you pay. Plus support is non-existant.

> where did you get the ad info? I use the free version for some month
> now and spybot could never find some ads.

It installs a service called TMAGENT in the free and paid versions.
In the free it send info back and serves up ads. In the paid it just
sends info back. If you remove it you will break the program

In Bush we trusted, now we are busted

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