Hello Peter,

Friday, March 14, 2008, 6:51:56 PM, you wrote:

DE>> Next problem with the Folder tree.

DE>> I can get all my accounts to disappear off the left hand side.

> Great, but why would you want to that?

I don't. It is something that should not happen.

DE>> If I have the Folder tree with both scroll bars showing and I navigate
DE>> with the left cursor back up through the tree when I get to the account
DE>> and then press the left cursor everything disappears of the frame to
DE>> the left.

> Sure, the computer does what you tell it. If you need to reset the Folder
> Tree back to visible, it is most probably some key in
> HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\RIT\The Bat! that you can reset to a positive
> value.

But I did not tell it to disappear. and I don't need to do that. What you
have to do is use the scroll bar at the bottom.

Best regards,
 David                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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