
Tuesday, July 8, 2008, 9:03:30 AM, you wrote:

SC> In Options/Preferences/Viewer/Editor there is an option to "Reply to HTML 
SC> Text". If this box is not checked then you will be able to reply to HTML in 
SC> and Text as Text.

Thanks, but I do NOT have that option checked, yet when I
reply to an HTML message from the HTML tab (or the text tab)
the indicator at the bottom on the 'Edit Mail Message' window
still shows 'Plain Text (MicroEd)' regardless of that check
box's setting.  It isn't difficult to switch, but sometimes
it seems like I've lost some of the original message's formatting.
That's what prompted my original query and probably should have
made that more clear.  But, I hadn't tested the checkbox until
now, either, I just assumed it worked -- but for me it doesn't.

Steven Vallière | tb | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
"If you didn't write it down, then it didn't happen."
   -Larry Zana

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