> Still I am wondering about the treatment of this attachment. I have
> deleted the email, so it now appears in trash. Via right-click I have
> deleted the attachment - now I am wondering where is it gone? Does it
> still "slumber" somewhere in the database and just does not show anymore
> or is it really gone?

  I just wanted to add to what Roelof said regarding deleted messages
  that depending on the Anti Virus software you are running, virus mail
  could cause you a major headache as the Anti Virus program while
  scanning your PC manually MIGHT consider the entire mailbox to be an
  infected file thus it might quarantine it (the mailbox, that is).
  (Phew! Long sentence...)

  Either make a habit of properly delete and prune/compress the folder
  OR configure your Anti Virus program to ignore the directory in which
  you store your messages/mail.

  ...listen2reason... - Musaic.Net <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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