Dear Jack,

   -->> Sonntag, 14. Dezember 2008, 15:09:25:

EC>> May I suggest that you open a place at where
EC>> anyone who participates can do his/here editing without moving
EC>> the file. This prevents that there are too many files wandering
EC>> around and no one knows really what or where is the last version.

> I searched the past thread on this subject and didn't see your name
> in any of the posts so you may not be aware of what was discussed.
> Although, I may have lost some of the posts due to automatic
> purging. When this thread started on 11/28 several suggestions were
> made but apparently no consensus was reached. I suggested the
> following submitted here for your perusal:

> ------------- copy of message sent to list 11/30 -----------------

Thanks for resending. On 11/28 I wasn't online anymore due to a very
bad 'flue' my system caught. Today I downloaded all posts that where
coming in but found only One posting from you (see msid below). Did
you send it to this list?


   liebe GrĂ¼sse
    Eddie :ec:
      on Tour

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