Dear Roelof,

   -->> Sonntag, 14. Dezember 2008, 15:39:59:

EC>> Could you please look at this filter?
> I'd like to do that, but the best way to check a filter is by
> pasting it into your own sorting office and you're making that kind
> of difficult by placing silly characters like '| in front of every
> line, so we cannot easily cpopy and paste it.

Ok sorry for that *gg*. I post it again below.
BTW - thanks for filling the Subject ;)

EC>> It doesn't work as it should. My idea is to filter the "TBUDL
EC>> Mission Statement" based on Subject and Recipient. Any idea why
EC>> it doesn't do as intended? Many thanks
> My first guess would be that you've placed it below your regular
> TBUDL filter and as that is triggered by the meesage, that message
> won't trigger any other filters.

No, it's before the TBUDL
BTW - the filter is a Common Filter

$$$$ TB! Message Filter $$$$
UID: [7443B0B0.01C95DF8.0DF36577.31D2DB58]
Name: TBUDL\20Mission\20Statement
MoveMessage folder \5C\5CTheBat\5CTB!\20udl\20(e)\5CRegister

   liebe GrĂ¼sse
    Eddie :ec:
      on Tour

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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