On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 4:31 AM, Hendrik Oesterlin
<hendrikmail2...@yahoo.de> wrote:
> "Leonard Berkowitz" wrote on 23/04/2009 at 19:03:28 +1100
> subject "Message header" :
>>>> A fried told me that this is a way, perhaps in the Message headers to
>>>> track whether an e-mail message is forwarded, and if so to whom. Is
>>>> this accurate information. If yes, how can I set this up for selected
>>>> message in TheBat?
>>> I am not certain about what you want to do... If yo will see the header of
>>> an eMail, press Shift+Ctrl+K or go to "View"-"RFC-822 headers"
>>> You can also view the hole source of an message by pressing F9 (it is how I
>>> do it generally).
>> I want to be able to know if my e-mail was forwarded to a third party.
>> Can this be done, and how?
> OK, I think I see what you will know. It is sometime visible in the
> header if the CC ("carbon copy") field was used. Otherwise, if the BCC
> ("blind corbon copy") was used by the sender, you will not be able to see
> it.
> Just look for an line CC: in the header or go to "View"-"Message
> header"-"CC:"
> Did this help?
> --
> Sincerely
> Hendrik Oesterlin - email hendrikmail2...@yahoo.de
> TheBat! - Regula Anti-Spam Plugin
> Extended Macro Plugin - Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 3
> ___________________________________________________________
> Telefonate ohne weitere Kosten vom PC zum PC: http://messenger.yahoo.de
> ________________________________________________
> Current version is 4.1.11 | 'Using TBUDL' information:
> http://www.silverstones.com/thebat/TBUDLInfo.html

The question is whether I can find out if a message I send to someone
else is then forwarded by that person to a third person.
Leonard S. Berkowitz
Reply to leonard.s.berkowitz....@alumni.upenn.edu

Current version is 4.1.11 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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