> Hi,

>   things have been running along smoothly, but
>   lately TB "hangs" a lot.
>   Most times I click on something, there is a 3-15
>   second lag, before TB responds (this is
>   switching to another folder, checking for mail,
>   etc.) and sometimes TB doesn't respond at all
>   and I have to end it via the task manager.
>   Is there a way to find out what might be holding
>   things up?

Close the Bat. Open windows explorer and go to the cache file which is
in your mail folder - mine is in
C:\Documents and Settings\Rick\Application Data\The Bat!\cache
yours will be in a similar place
How many files? if the number is in the thousands, that is at least
part of your problem
Delete all the files then restart the Bat

This assumes you run the Maintenance Center and also don't let a gazillion
emails build in one folder and other things that will also slow the bat

Dreams come true on this side of the Rainbow too!

v4.2.1.1 on Windows XP 5.1 Build  2600
Service Pack 3


Current version is 4.1.11 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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