Dear List,

RA>> Create a Quick Template called AttList as follows
RA>> %If:"%_FirstTime"="":#%-
RA>> %____%_FirstTime="No"%-
RA>> %____%If:"%Attachments"="<none>":"%-
RA>> %_________":"%-
RA>> %_________%-Attachments:
RA>> %_________%_Att_List='%Attachments,'%-
RA>> %_________%Qinclude(AttList)"#:#%-
RA>> %____%If:"%_Att_List"<>"":"%-
RA>> %_________%SetPattRegexp='(?i)^(.*?),\s*(.*)$'%-
RA>> %_________%RegexpBlindMatch='%_Att_List'%-
RA>> %_________%-   * %SubPatt='1'
RA>> %_________%_Att_List=%SubPatt='2'%-
RA>> %_________%Qinclude(AttList)":"%-
RA>> %_________"%-
RA>> %____#%-
> Unfortunately when using the QT, it crashes The Bat!. It simply shuts 
> down instantly and nothing gets written to the exception log.

> That's strange. I just copied and pasted the code from my email into a new
> QT and it worked perfectly.

Works perfectly here too...


Current version is 4.2.6 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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