Test for On---
On Thursday, January 28, 2010, at 10:37:50 AM, Achdut18 wrote:

> If I convert the Pub file to jpeg, there is loss of definition when I
> try to reduce the size of the image in the email.  Is it not possible
> to embed pdf files into an e-mail?

I routinely send PDF files up to 18 MB in size via email, but do it by
attaching the file to the message rather than attempting to embed them.
However, your ISP may limit the size of your email messages, so this is
something to watch out for. When a PDF is attached, the file is encoded in
a way that almost doubles its actual size, so extremely large PDF
attachments may well be too big to handle. Also, many providers limit the
size of incoming files, so even if you can transmit the attachment with no
problem, the recipient may not get it...

Jim Kyle

Using The Bat! v4.0.34 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600
Service Pack 3 on VMWare Server 2 under Xubuntu 8.04.3
with AntiSpamSniper Version

Current version is 4.2.23 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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