Hello Ian,

Saturday, April 3, 2010, 1:12:30 PM, Ian A. White wrote:

> I have an image that displays in my business e-mails however some
> people don't like the image as it shows up as an attachment and 
> various "spam" filters consider this spam. These spam filters will 
> however let a message through if the message does not have an 
> attachment but a link to a web site where the message is stored.

> How can I do this with The Bat! and templates?

You would just have to edit your template to have the image point to a
web address instead of an attached file.

I just tried to do that and noticed that it seems to be quite tricky
to directly edit an existing html template's code. I'd therefore
suggest you write your code in an external editor.

Basically your image has to look like this:

<img src="http://www.yourcompany.com/img/signature.png"; width="100"
height="100" alt="My company's logo" />

If you can't get to the source code with TB! because the source viewer
sort of scrambles it, try saving an email to a txt file or opening it
with Thunderbird to view the source there (ctrl+u). You can then copy
the code into say notepad, edit the image and reenter the template
variables (by i.e. copying them from the template editor). After that
you'd just have to put the new template into your mail account. It
might also be possible to save it from notepad and include it as a
template file in TB!, but I have not done that so I don't know how it

There's probably a more simple way to achieve this, but the principle
is the same. Just substitute the image's url.

I hope that helps.


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