On Wed, 5 Jan 2000, Vince Darley wrote:

Off the top of my head, I would be willing to bet that the problem
you are having is because a class you want to define depends on
another class that can not be found.

Like so:

class A {
  B b = new B();

class B {

Try loading B first, and then A. If that works but simply loading A
does not, then the lack of the B class is the problem.

> I'm trying to place all the class data from my package's .class files inside
> Tcl files as binary strings for loading when required.  As a first step in
> that direction, I've created the following proc, which simply takes all
> .class files in a given directory, and tries to convert the binary data in
> those files into java.lang.Class objects:

This is kind of wacky because you will need to worry about the order
your classes are defined. In "regular" Java, this is all done behind the
scenes by searching the CLASSPATH. I would be willing to bet that you
could write a script to grep the output of "java -verbose CLASSNAME"
to see all the classes that are loaded when your class is loaded.

You might also want to play around with jikes. I think it has some fancy
deps tracking that you might be able to use to determine your load order.

I hope that helps
Mo DeJong

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