On Thu, 18 May 2000, Peter wrote:

> Hi,
> I've been using Tcl/Tk heavily for several yers, java to some extent,
> and I'm

Sounds like an interesting combination. I would love to read a paper
about this project when you are finished.

> currently investigating Expect for testing purposes. Since we will be
> interfacing a bunch of simulators (separate Unix processes) and real
> targets (dedicated hardware) from
> the same test system as we also want to test bits and pices of java
> code,
> it sounds ideal to put Expect and TclBlend together (haven't tried it
> yet, though).

You are talking about two different things here. Expect is designed
to work between processes. The Java stream you seem to be talking
about would be used between two threads in the same process.

> But even at this stage I forsee a problem: How do I make a stream (used
> for
> internal communication between two java threads) available in the tcl
> environment
> for Expect to listen on?

Frankly, I do not understand what the "problem" is. Why don't you just
split your Java process into two processes so that you can have expect
interact with each of them?

> As far as I understand, I really need the actaul stream in order to use
> Expect.
> If I do a work-around using, e.g., event generation in java, I can
> implement
> an Expect like behaviour within tcl. But I don't want to re-implement
> Expect...
> I've tried to find similar questions in your archive, but they don't
> adress
> the actual exporting of a stream, thye propagate java stream output by
> other means.
> Yours,
> Peter Loborg

Mo DeJong
Red Hat Inc.

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