Test ran to completion with Sun's JDK 1.1.8 on Solaris, no errors.

Mo DeJong wrote:

> Now don't panic, but it looks like we have uncovered
> a serious JVM bug in Sun derived JVMs >= 1.2 that
> nukes the Tcl/Java reflect table. Lots of
> thanks go to Thomas McKay for tracking down and
> creating a test case for this bug (it took months).
> It looks like two different Java object are returning
> the exact same "unique id" from System.identityHashCode().
> (this has nothing to do with the getClass() discussion
> that has been going on, so don't worry about that)
> I have been able to reproduce this error running IBM 1.3
> on Linux, and I hear that it also happens with Sun JDK
> 1.2 under Windows.
> Could everyone please download and run the example
> code that is attached to this file? Just unzip
> the file (use jar if you don't have unzip) and
> source the mytest.tcl file. This problem should
> happen in either Jacl or Tcl Blend.
> If you get a fatal exception, please
> report what JVM version you are using and on
> what system. Don't worry about the details
> that are printed out, this problem can only
> be caused by one thing.
> (it should look like this)
> Exception in thread "main" tcl.lang.TclRuntimeError:
> (find) table entry "SomeObject.1512497281" mapped to an invalid entry,
> ...
> I tested this under JDK 1.1.8 from Blackdown and Kaffe
> and there was no problem with either of those JVMs
> (I ran the test for several hours).
> thanks
> Mo DeJong
> Red Hat Inc
>   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                        Name: ReflectCrash.zip
>    ReflectCrash.zip    Type: Winzip32 File (APPLICATION/ZIP)
>                    Encoding: BASE64

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