Hi Tcl.pm etc developers,
I need some advice.

In my everyday programming, I often use a subroutine that helps me to bind a 
number of tcl subs with perl by call to CreateCommand, namely this part of code:

sub Tcl::Tk::bind_ptcl {
    my $int = shift;
    no strict 'refs';
    for my $subname (keys %::ptcl::) {

this allows me to create a number of subroutines in Perl in ptcl:: namespace 
that are automatically get binded to Tcl/tk all at once

sub ptcl::sub1 {
  print "hi, I am sub1!\n";

and then write in pure-tcl GUI code
$interp->Eval <<'EOS';
button .b -text {button 1} -command ptcl_sub1

or, if pure-Tcl is not preferable, the old way:
$frame->Button(-text=>'button1', -command=>'ptcl_sub1');

so this works well (actually I have same approach for binding variable names)

I wonder, is it reasonable for this approach to be "standartized" and included 
to, say, Tcl.pm module?

Maybe with a slightly different interface.

For example - all Tcl names from some predefined Tcl namespace could be bound 
to perl subroutines all at once.
I find this very helpful.

Thanks in advance for your ideas,

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