On 07/06/2011 11:15 AM, patcat88 wrote:
I am trying to get access to the C API of the TCL interpreter loaded by
Tcl.pm in my XS module, on windows. There doesn't seem to be any
official way to get the final dll path, or HMODULE, of the TCL
interpreter loaded by Tcl.pm.

My analysis of the situation is that $Tcl::DL_PATH is only a suggestion
to the XS code, not the final dll name. The XS code checks a few other
places if $Tcl::DL_PATH failed. From what I understand, Tcl.xs stores
the dll filename and HMODULE but there is no way to obtain it. I cant
find any way in TCL the lang, but I know little of it, to get the
pathname of the tcl dll, closest I found was "info nameofexecutable" but
thats perl.exe. There is the TCL C TclWinGetTclInstance to get the
HMODULE, but you need the function pointer to TclWinGetTclInstance
first, chicken and egg. Also Tcl.pm doesn't store function pointers in
SVs, so GetModuleHandleEx is useless.

There is no way to do this in Tcl, because there may not be any dll (e.g. a static executable, or a starkit or stardll). This is not an issue with Tcl extensions that built against and use Tcl stubs. You should be able to do similar with another Perl XS module, but I've not tried it myself or know of anyone who has.


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