I have a mature app originally written in perl/Tk and then ported to
perl/Tkx.  I'm currently using the Tcl Dyanamic Help package to provide the
tooltip help functionality throughout the program, including tablelist
widget entries and canvas items.  I would like to enhance my tooltips by
allowing the tip popup window to allow for images and/or text.
I provided this functionality several years ago, when the app was still
written in perl/tk, by customizing a version of balloon.pm, but that did not
include listbox item functionality.
Anyway, I'm aware of the Tcl tooltip package, and I think it's now part of
the Tcllib (if that matters), but I was just looking for some expert advice
before I launched off on this feature.
I guess the general form of my question is:
Does anyone have experience/advice in customizing the contents of the
balloon/tooltip window using DynamicHelp, tooltip, or some other package,
beyond simple text?
Thanks a lot,

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