Hi everyone,

I have uploaded Tcl::pTk 0.95. In addition to the notable changes below, it is 
mainly an accumulation of minor or non-functional changes.

Many test failures have been addressed, either by fixing bugs (usually in the 
tests themselves) or skipping/marking as TODO any tests with expected failures; 
see RT #119754, #125662, and #125908. An important note to CPAN Testers: 
UNKNOWN reports will no longer be generated if Tcl/Tk is not present when 
running Makefile.PL.

Other reported issues addressed in 0.95:
- Right-click causes selected text to be pasted on older Tk Aqua (RT #127120)
- `Can't locate object method "findINC" via package "Tk"` error (RT #127529)
- `Tcl procedure 'winfo' not found` error shown if "package require Tk" fails, 
e.g. Tk not installed (RT #127552)

There are still a quite few known issues; some are due to upstream issues in 
Tcl/Tk. In particular, I am stumped by two major usability issues on macOS 
Aqua: RT #125049 (unreadable menu items) and #125987 
("dictation"/speech-to-text not working as expected). I would greatly 
appreciate any advice or assistance in debugging these. See the bug tracker for 
more info: https://rt.cpan.org/Public/Dist/Display.html?Name=Tcl-pTk

Christopher A. Chavez

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