On Apr 5, 2004, at 10:39 PM, Ryan Mooney wrote:

What about adding the concept of arbitrary meta-packets that can
sit anywhere in the capture stream.  These could be used to encode
comments, and other meta-data.

In Michael Richardson's proposal, a capture file is a sequence of records, each of which contains one or more type/length/value items. A record need not contain a PCAP_DATACAPTURE item; if it doesn't contain one, it'd be meta-data without a packet, and if it does contain one, it's a packet, possibly with additional meta-data.

In Loris Degioanni and Fulvio Risso's proposal, a capture file is a sequence of records, each of which is a type/length/value item. Some of the record types include a sequence of type/length/value options within them.

Both of those schemes support the concept of arbitrary meta-data that can appear anywhere in the capture stream, encoding comments and other meta data...

This concept could also be used for other internal meta-data for
example capture information like direction, interface info, etc...).
There would have to be a way to tag future as part of a meta-data
stream (to handle multiple interfaces, etc..).

...and handle multiple interfaces, as well as meta-data associated with packets and not associated with packets...

This could be done in a way to preserve the ability to cat multiple
files together

...and support the ability to concatenate multiple capture files with "cat".

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