----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Guy Harris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <tcpdump-workers@lists.tcpdump.org>
Sent: Monday, October 03, 2005 6:49 PM
Subject: Re: [tcpdump-workers] pcap: prob w/libnet making raw socket client

> rh wrote:
> > I'm using libnet 1.1.1 and pcaplib 0.8.3 (I believe).
> >
> > Linux 2.4.20 / 2.6.11 (and later, FreeBSD 5.2).
> >
> > GCC 3.3
> >
> > Apologies if this is too off-topic an application for this list.
> >
> > I'm attempting to use libnet and pcap together to write a client using
> > sockets so that I can gain explicit control over the ip_p value in the
> > header.
> By "raw sockets" do you mean raw *IP* sockets, or raw *link-layer*
> sockets?  On Linux, libpcap uses raw link-layer sockets
> (PF_PACKET/SOCK_RAW) on most network interfaces.

Raw IP sockets.

> What you might want to do is to write your own code, rather than using
> libnet (which I think can use either raw IP sockets or, on Linux, raw
> link-layer sockets to send packets) or libpcap, if all you want to do is
> send packets with a protocol other than the ones supported by the host's
> networking stack (that being what "explicit control over the ip_p value
> in the IP header" means).

Sounds like it's unavoidable.  libnet and libpcap seem like they'd
complement each other so well.

> > I need to test application-sensitive router configurations.
> I.e., test whether the router handles IP packets not using TCP, UDP, or

Whether the routers correctly prioritize packets with a variety of values in
the 'protocol' field of the IP header.

You know, these guys:


Sometimes I'd want to use a datagram

> > I'm failing at connection establishment.  I can squirt the packet out
> > libnet and get a reply using pcap, but the connection-initiating TCP
> If you're using TCP, you don't need explicit control over ip_p - the
> OS's TCP stack will set it to 6 for you.
> Are you thinking of some *other* field you need to control?

No.  I want to override what the kernel would otherwise place in there.
Otherwise I'd just use a normal socket, eh?   If there was a socket option
for this field, as there is for the TOS field, there wouldn't be a problem.

> > seems to be generating a RST on my behalf before I can transmit the
> > third packet of the handshake.
> If another host sends a TCP packet to your machine, and your machine's
> TCP stack doesn't know that a connection to which that packet belongs is
> being set up, your machine's TCP stack will send an RST.

I understand that.  What I don't understand is why the underlying socket
created and used by libnet isn't known to the kernel as bound to the port #
the SYN ACK is coming back on.  Ie, why doesn't the machines TCP stack know
about this socket and its SYN_SENT state?

> Reading that packet with libpcap will *NOT* help.  libpcap does *NOT*
> use mechanisms that can process packets before the networking stack sees
> them, with packets processed by libpcap not being seen by the stack; the
> mechanisms it uses are intended for "passively" tapping and for
> implementing protocols not also implemented in the OS's networking
> stack, not for "intercepting" traffic that would otherwise be processed
> by the host's networking stack.

I'm not trying to 'intercept' the packet ahead of the kernel.  I just use
pcaplib all the time, and thought it'd be easier to use it for this if I

> > suse83 is running my raw-socket version of TTCP.  The response from
> > seems exactly like what would be expected if it received a SYN ACK in
> > to a SYN that it didn't know about.
> That's because that's exactly what is happening, from the point of view
> of suse83's networking stack.
> > I thought the libnet_init() call would make its underlying socket known
> > the kernel so that the kernel would know about incoming traffic on that
> > port.
> No - it's probably creating a raw socket at the IP layer, not any type
> of socket at the TCP layer.

Thanks for your tolerance of a marginally topical discussion.


> -
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