(I'm on tcpdump-workers, so you don't need to CC me - just ask tcpdump-workers questions such as this.)

Amitesh Singh wrote:
what should be the string to pass a filter program in pcap_setfilter() to capture only ACK packets.?
Do you mean "ACK-only" TCP packets, i.e. TCP segments that have an ACK but no data?

Or do you mean "only ACK packets", i.e. TCP segments that have an ACK, *even if they also have data*?

If it's "only ACK packets", the tcpdump man page says:

             expr relop expr


For example, `ether[0] & 1 != 0' catches all multicast traffic. The expression `ip[0] & 0xf != 5' catches all IP packets with options. The expression `ip[6:2] & 0x1fff = 0' catches only unfragmented datagrams and frag zero of fragmented datagrams. This check is implicitly applied to the tcp and udp index operations. For instance, tcp[0] always means the first byte of the TCP header, and never means the first byte of an intervening
Some offsets and field values may be expressed as names rather than as numeric values. The following protocol header field offsets are available: icmptype (ICMP type field), icmpcode (ICMP code field), and tcpflags (TCP
                    flags field).


The following TCP flags field values are available: tcp-
                    fin, tcp-syn, tcp-rst, tcp-push, tcp-ack, tcp-urg.

so "tcp[tcpflags] & tcp-ack != 0" will test for that, at least with newer versions of libpcap (older versions will require you to use numbers for "tcpflags" and "tcp-ack"; determining the numbers to use is left as an exercise for the reader, with the help of RFC 793).

If, however, you mean "ACK-only packets", you not only have to check whether the packet has the ACK flag set, you also have to test how much TCP payload the packet has, and reject the packet if it has a non-zero number of payload bytes, i.e.

   (tcp[tcpflags] & tcp-ack != 0) && {number of payload bytes is not zero}

Unfortunately, calculating the payload length is complicated - it can be done, but it's complicated. See


for some information on doing that.

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