On Nov 11, 2012, at 2:55 PM, barcaroller <barcarol...@gmail.com> wrote:

> The libpcap C API provides functions for writing (pcap_dump) and reading 
> (pcap_next) a PCAP file.  I have two questions:
> - How do I remove a packet from a PCAP file using the libpcap C API?

You can't remove a packet from an existing file - pcap files are sequential 

What you *can* do is read a file and write out all the packets, except the ones 
you don't want, to a new file.

> - Once I close a PCAP file (pcap_close), I find I cannot re-open it later 
> (pcap_dump_fopen) and append to it.  I get a corrupt file every time.  Are 
> PCAP files not meant to be appended to?

They could, in principle, be appended to, but that can't be done with the 
existing APIs - you'd need an "open for appending" call, which would, unlike 
the "create a new file" calls (pcap_dump_open(), pcap_dump_fopen()), *not* 
write a file header.
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