On Nov 26, 2012, at 7:17 AM, Michael Richardson <m...@sandelman.ca> wrote:

>>>>>> "Jaylen" == Jaylen VanOrden <dutchsc...@gmail.com> writes:
>    Jaylen> Attached config.log
> The list has to remove non-text attachments to keep things sane against
> trojans that are sending virii/trojans from legit email addresses. 
> So, please include your config.log inline.

A config.log file should be text, so if "non-text attachments" means 
"attachments with a media type other than text/plain" (or maybe "other than 
text/*"), that shouldn't be an issue.  Just make sure the attachment is a 
text/plain attachment rather than, for example, an application/octet-stream 

Or, alternatively, put it on a server (if you don't have one of your own to 
use, try it as a public or unlisted attachment to pastebin.com or some service 
such as that) and put the URL in the mail.

In addition, if the configure error involved not finding pcap_loop(), this is 
probably the result of a problem with *libpcap*; if you downloaded libpcap 
source, as well as tcpdump source, and built it and are attempting to link 
tcpdump with that libpcap (rather than attempting to link it with the OS's 
libpcap), please also include the config.log file from the libpcap source 
directory, the Makefile from the libpcap source directory, and the output of 
the make process for libpcap (the current top-of-trunk tcpdump configure script 
asks you to send all of those if it doesn't find pcap_loop()).
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