On Jun 21, 2018, at 12:28 AM, Ryan Doyle <r...@doylenet.net> wrote:

> Step2. Expand by adding meaning to XML. The printer could then start to know 
> what a <packet> is and what it's attributes mean. At this point we could 
> start adding color to these.


> Step3. Expand further, protocol by protocol adding printers that know about 
> the contents of the XML. Also, IMO any dropping of printed information (eg, 
> depending on the -vvvv flags) should be done when parsing the XML, not when 
> generating it. The parser/printer would be the one that knows about -v flags 
> and or timestamp options.


> Disclaimer though: I really don't know how easy/hard this would be to do. 
> Also it might introduce a dependency on libxml or otherwise unless we were to 
> parse XML ourselves

Presumably you mean "*generate* XML ourselves" - what you described is an 
example of *writing* XML, not *reading* XML.  *Writing* XML is easier than 
*reading* it, and *writing* XML without the aid of libxml or some other XML 
library is easier than *reading* it without the aid of such a library.
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