On Jul 5, 2018, at 11:18 AM, Kaushal Shriyan <kaushalshri...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Is there a way to run tcpdump to do packet capture on SSL traffic?

Yes.  Plug the machine running tcpdump into a network on which SSL traffic is 
being sent, in a fashion that allows it to see that traffic (bearing in mind, 
for example, that capturing third-party traffic on a switched network may be 
difficult or impossible), and run tcpdump, with the -w flag, so that it saves 
the traffic to a file, and either with no filter or with a filter that matches 
the SSL traffic.

If you mean "is there a way to run tcpdump so that it can *dissect* SSL 
traffic", rather than just being able to put undissected raw packet contents, 
including SSL packets, into a file to be read by another program, the answer is 
"no" - tcpdump doesn't currently include the ability to decrypt SSL traffic.

(I.e., there's more to being able to analyze traffic than just being able to 
capture it....)
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