--- Begin Message ---
On Thu, 2 Feb 2023 15:42:55 +0000
Paschal Chukwuebuk Amusuo via tcpdump-workers
<tcpdump-workers@lists.tcpdump.org> wrote:

> Hi,
> Please, is there any way to force pcap to deliver packets once it
> receives the packet? Currently, pcap delivers packets to my
> application at intervals and it batches the packets before delivering
> them. There are substantial time differences between when the packet
> is received by pcap and when it is finally delivered by the
> application.

Please see
https://www.tcpdump.org/manpages/pcap_set_immediate_mode.3pcap.html and
try the function.

> In the screenshot I attached, 6 packets were received within 400ms
> but all delivered at the same time.

This list strips non-text attachments (for clarity HTML is considered
not text for this purpose), so the screenshot didn't make it through.

    Denis Ovsienko

--- End Message ---
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