On Fri, Apr 26, 2002 at 10:06:46PM -0400, Andrew Mann wrote:
>          Possibly a stab in the dark, but is it a 10/100 hub, and is one 
> machine using a 10 mbit card (or negotiating down to 10mbit for some 
> reason) and the other using 100 mbit?  My experience with every 10/100 hub 
> I've ever used has been that traffic is actually switched between the 10 
> mbit and 100 mbit "layers".

I thought of that, but checked the Netgear site; the hub he mentioned in
an earlier message, at least, appeared to be a 10Mb-only hub.

Perhaps this hub is different and is a 10/100 hub; the Ethereal FAQ does
list 10/100 hubs as another source of problems when sniffing.
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