A standard behavior of tcpdump that caused me a bit of grief recently is
that when writing to a capture file with -w, output is buffered by default. 
When tcpdump'ing to stdout and piping or redirecting to a file, it's common
to use the -l flag to make output line-buffered.  It doesn't appear that
there's any way to get -w to line (or packet) buffer.  Probably this would
need support from libpcap's pcap_dump, and some way to pass the flag
through pcap_loop?  Or an alternate, say pcap_dump_flush.  Messy; not worth
maintaining local patches to add that (unless this would be helpful to
others as well?) 

The quick workaround I came up with was to use -l and -w -, and redirect
stdout.  This unfortunately means -c won't work, but I can live without
that for now.  But, is there a better way to accomplish what I'm after? 
Maybe I'm just missing something.


Hank Leininger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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