On Wed, May 15, 2002 at 07:18:21PM -0500, m.broycz wrote:
> I recieved this through the list. I am not trying to give it credit or
> anything like that. I am returning this just in case this problem managed
> to make it passed someones network scanners

Yeah, I've gotten several pieces of mail from virus scanners informing
me of that bounce.

I guess it wasn't bad enough that these worms sent out tons of
infectious mail, so Mr. Klez decided to make it use addresses from the
user's address book, or from mail the user received, or something like
that, in the From: line, making it look as if somebody else was
infected.  (Neither Solaris nor FreeBSD run Windows executables, so it
sure didn't come from either of *my* e-mail accounts....)
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