CVS log entries from 21.05.2002 (Tue) 09:05:37 - 22.05.2002 (Wed) 09:05:42 GMT
Summary by authors
Author: guy
        File: libpcap/pcap.3; Revisions: 1.32,

Combined list of identical log entries
Expand the description of the arguments to the callback for
"pcap_dispatch()", giving the members of a "struct pcap_pkthdr", and
specifying which of those arguments are "const" pointers.

Describe the return value of "pcap_loop()".
Modified files:
        File: libpcap/pcap.3; Revision: 1.32;
        Date: 2002/05/22 08:03:36; Author: guy; Lines: (+30 -6)
        File: libpcap/pcap.3; Revision:;
        Date: 2002/05/22 08:04:11; Author: guy; Lines: (+30 -6)
Log entries
Summary of modified files
File: libpcap/pcap.3
Revisions: 1.32,
Authors: guy (+30 -6), guy (+30 -6)
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