[CCing TCPM for the part that matters to TCPM]

> 4. citing drafts in support of future large SYN options:
> “Is there harm in doing this?  E.g., is it bad practice to cite internet
> drafts (non-normatively, of course) in an RFC?”
> 4.a. Citing drafts does go against the current BCP, as I understand it.
> From https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2026#section-2.2, in a big star-box:
> “Under no circumstances should an Internet-Draft be referenced by any paper,
> report, or Request-for-Proposal, nor should a vendor claim compliance with an
> Internet-Draft.”
> There’s a partial exception right afterward, which I’m not sure how well it
> applies in this case:
> “
>    Note: It is acceptable to reference a standards-track specification
>    that may reasonably be expected to be published as an RFC using the
>    phrase "Work in Progress" without referencing an Internet-Draft.
>    This may also be done in a standards track document itself as long
>    as the specification in which the reference is made would stand as a
>    complete and understandable document with or without the reference to
>    the "Work in Progress".
> “
> 4.b. the moral case for truth in advertising:
> That said, I do think it’s reasonable to make the point that extending SYN
> option space would benefit ENO, and to point to evidence of ongoing work in
> that direction, even if it’s a long shot.
> I also agree that one of the cited drafts is legitimately attempting something
> that would help ENO in this way if it continues to move forward
> (https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-touch-tcpm-tcp-syn-ext-opt-06). In my
> original comment, one of the 2 alternatives I suggested as an edit was to
> continue to cite that draft, but to point out that it’s experimental.
> However, I think 2 of the citations currently used as evidence are misleading,
> one of them because it shows no signs of moving forward toward any form of
> adoption (https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-briscoe-tcpm-inspace-mode-tcpbis-
> 00), and the other because it does not apply to SYN or SYN-ACK
> (https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-tcpm-tcp-edo-07), and therefore
> wouldn’t help ENO’s use case. That is why I suggested cutting them out. (Or
> alternatively, if this weakens the point by so much it’s not worth making, to
> cut out the paragraphs that rely on it.)
> My underlying concern here is that someone might take hope from this section
> and try to push their luck by putting keys into the SYN option with a length
> near the lower edge of what’s OK for security, in hopes that by the time it’s
> a real problem they’ll get an extension on the option space, rather than
> wrestling with the likely-harder problem of sending the keys in the payload.
> But in practice, the option space in SYN is likely to be even less than what’s
> pointed out in this draft, because if you leave window-scale, timestamps, and
> sack-permitted out of your SYN, you’re likely to lose more on performance than
> any gains you might have made by getting a key into the SYN.
> In my experience, this is exactly the kind of subtle early misunderstanding
> that can lead a team to spend 6+ months developing something, then abort the
> project once they discover it cannot be made both performant enough and secure
> enough under the constraints of an early design decision.
> Therefore, I would prefer this doc not to present a rosier-than-reality
> picture of the likelihood that a future development will make large SYN
> options available.

While TCPM discusses large SYN options (for a long time already), all known 
solutions have downsides. I do not believe that a non-TCPM document should 
speculate on the feasibility solutions.

> To take that a little further, I’d almost rather see an explicit warning that
> provides clear support for a claim like “You cannot fit a cryptographically
> secure key into the SYN option unless and until further standards work makes
> it possible to have more space there. Don’t try, you’ll regret it.”
> It’s kind of a minor point to get this much discussion, but that’s a more
> complete explanation of my objection.
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