Dear list,

I am new to the Darwin Core World, so I apologize in advance if I am
missing any basics.

I am working on a project that aims to describe plants according to Haller.
We are using DwC to encode information with XML; however, I am missing the
following elements:


   an element to store small descriptions of plants;

   an element to store the place where plants may be found — by that I am
   not meaning the actual location where the plant was identified but its
   habitat in general terms.

   an element to store the frequency of the plant, in other words, if it is
   common or not.

I am currently using my own terms to store this information:

               <hllr:description>foliis subhirsutis, ovato
lanceolatis, acute serratis, peiolis
                  florigeris ramosis, folia superantibus.</hllr:description>

I am wondering whether I could store that information in DwC tags instead —
or should I be using Dublin Core tags to describe this kind of information?

Many thanks.


​Dr. Antonio Rojas Castro
Research assistant, Cologne Center for eHumanities
Communication coordinator, EADH
tdwg-content mailing list

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