> i386 and amd64 dropped the date in the boot loaders a while ago to
> ensure that builds are reproducable. Some platforms are currently not
> including the date as well, but many remain in the old ways. This makes
> it harder to compare consecutive builds with patches for unexpected
> output changes, so either the various platforms should honour MKREPRO or
> drop the output completely. Attached is an untested mechanical patch to
> do the former,

- atari uses cvs $Revision BTW (should we replace it with newvers ones?)
- ews4800mips diff is not necessary? (I have removed date strings)
- I'd like to remove date strings completly at least from arc, as an author

> but I wonder if there is any point in keeping the date.

IMO date strings are not so important because bootloader is not so
configurable (i.e. daily build's one should work as well as local ones)
and it isn't easy to log bootloader's strings without serial console,
which is uncommon for non-geek users.
Izumi Tsutsui

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