On Sun 07 Aug 2011 at 18:04:43 +0200, Emmanuel Dreyfus wrote:
> Yes, a TTL attribute on an inode: once it expires, the filesystem tosses
> the file on next access attempt.

If it were done at the next directory listing attempt, it would make
more sense (and the removed file should not be reported as present of
course). In the mean time, a program which may have created the file and
remembered its name, may still access it past the expiration date if it
is lucky (i.e., nobody looked - a quantum file system where observation
changes the files).

___ Olaf 'Rhialto' Seibert  -- There's no point being grown-up if you 
\X/ rhialto/at/xs4all.nl    -- can't be childish sometimes. -The 4th Doctor

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