On Sun, Sep 25, 2011 at 07:06:35AM +1000, matthew green wrote:
> (FWIW, ultrasparcIIIi has cpufreq features, iirc, it allows the freq
> to run at 1/2 and 1/16th normal.  i'm sure that the modern fijitsu
> SPARC64 also has it, but i don't know much about it.)

When one thinks about the modern world and especially AMD CPUs that can
already do per-CPU(group) states, setting the minimum and maximum sounds
attractive and reasonable. For instance, if you set CPUs offline, also the
frequency should scale down.

> i'd like to re-iterate what i said earlier though -- i'd really much
> rather this became real-code in the tree sooner than when it becomes
> a perfect API.

Fine. Let's start by importing a proplist of MHzs to cpuctl(8). At least the
current mess is solved.

- Jukka.

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