On Oct 29, 2013, at 8:37 PM, Edgar Fuß <e...@math.uni-bonn.de> wrote:

> I just tried to snapshot-fsck a 6T WAPBL filesystem (fsck -n -f -T ffs:-X 
> ...).
> For about one hour, the RAID the filesystem is on was nearly fully busy.
> The fsck_ffs process was consuming (just a little) CPU time, waiting on 
> biowait or tstile, but non-kill-able.
> A ffsconfig -l was hanging in tstile.
> After about one hour, the system panic'ed with "wapbl_register_deallocation: 
> out of resources". Replaying that filesystem's log took 40 minutes.
> What can I do? Running that fsck command on much smaller filesystems works 
> fine.

File system internal snapshots are expensive on large file systems
as we have to build and clean a copy of all meta data.

You could try file system external snapshots (-x /path/to/backup).

J. Hannken-Illjes - hann...@eis.cs.tu-bs.de - TU Braunschweig (Germany)

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