On Aug 26,  2:23pm, m...@netbsd.org (Emmanuel Dreyfus) wrote:
-- Subject: Re: ixg(4) performances

| On Tue, Aug 26, 2014 at 12:57:37PM +0000, Christos Zoulas wrote:
| > 
| Right, but NetBSD has no tool like Linux's setpci to tweak MMRBC, and if
| the BIOS has no setting for it, NetBSD is screwed.
| I see <dev/pci/pciio.h>  has a PCI_IOC_CFGREAD / PCI_IOC_CFGWRITE ioctl,
| does that means Linux's setpci can be easily reproduced?

I would probably extend pcictl with cfgread and cfgwrite commands.


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