Please see references [1], [2], and [3] for details on this issue ...

Based on internal implementation of filemon(4), there is an ordering requirement imposed on the sequence of events that occur when a process using /dev/filemon exits. In particular, the file descriptor on which the device is open needs to be closed prior to closing the descriptor to which avent/activity records are being logged. (Otherwise, because of an extra reference on the log file, fd_close() will hang indefinitely.)

It has been suggested to implement a filemon(4)-specific "exit hook" to ensure that the /dev/filemon device gets closed first. Instead of a hook that is specific to filemon(4), I would propose that a generic hook mechanism be added. This way, if any future ordering requirements are found, we won't need another feature-specific mechanism.

We already have an exit_hook implementation, but unfortunately the hooks are calls too late in the exit processing. Particularly, the hooks are called after all files are closed (via fd_free()) and after the working directory of the process has been free()d (via cwdfree()).

As far as I can tell, there are only two current users of the exithook mechanism (in kern/sys_aio.c and kern/sysv_sem.c). It is not clear to me if either of these users would be affected if the execution of the exithooks were to happen _before_ the call to fd_free().

I'd rather not have two sets of exithooks if it can be avoided. We could perhaps add a "phase" argument to the current exithook routines, using it to select between phase-specific LIST_HEADs. Similar to

(in kern/kern_hook.c starting at line 222)

static hook_list_t exithook_pre_close_list =
static hook_list_t exithook_post_close_list =
static hook_list_t *exithook_table[] = {

extern krwlock_t exec_lock;

void *
exithook_establish(void (*fn)(struct proc *, void *), void *arg, int ph)
        void *rv;

        KASSERT(ph >= 0 && ph < __arraycount(exithook_table));
        rw_enter(&exec_lock, RW_WRITER);
        rv = hook_establish(exithook_table[ph], (void (*)(void *))fn, arg);
        return rv;

and with similar changes for exithook_disestablish() and doexithooks().

Then, in kern/kern_exit.c we simply have (at line 278+)

         * Close open files, release open-file table and free signal
         * actions.  This may block!
        doexithooks(p, EXITHOOK_PRE_CLOSE);
        p->p_cwdi = NULL;
        doexithooks(p, EXITHOOK_POST_CLOSE);

Comments?  Alternative approaches?


| Paul Goyette     | PGP Key fingerprint:     | E-mail addresses:      |
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