On Aug 3,  4:09pm, Emmanuel Dreyfus wrote:
} Subject: Re: Proposal: Disable autoload of compat_xyz modules
} <m...@netbsd.org> wrote:
} > By the way, isn't that what happens in practice anyway? the only way to
} > reach the COMPAT_OTHEROS code is to first exec a binary, which looks for
} > an interpreter in /emul/otheros. If one doesn't exist, exec will fail.
} Joerg mentionned the statically linked binary. Even for dynamic
} binaries, there may also be some code executed in the compat module to
} check if it can run the binary.

     Also, strictly speaking, as I understand it, the interpreter
doesn't have to be /emul/otheros.  It's just that /emul/otheros is
searched first and if not there, then a second check is made without
that prefix.  Certainly this is the way it used to be.  I plopped
a NetBSD kernel on an otherwise stock SunOS system once, and apart
from KVM grovellers, it worked perfectly.

}-- End of excerpt from Emmanuel Dreyfus

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