Since a few days, I'm experiencing repeated panics in mutex_vector_enter.
Nothing was changed to the server in question, probably, it's experiencing more 
load/forks than before. The machine is still on 6.1, but I can't tell whether 
the problem is version specific.

The tracebacks look similar (third and fourth coulumn in "show reg" output are 
from subsequend panics, missing values mean same as first one):

uvm_fault(0xffffffff8076d460, 0x0, 1) -> e
fatal page fault in supervisor mode
trap type 6 code 0 rip ffffffff8027663b cs 8 rflags 10286 cr2  8 cpl 0 rsp 
kernel: page fault trap, code=0
Stopped in pid 0.67 (system) at netbsd:mutex_vector_enter+0x32c:        movq    
db{5}> bt
mutex_vector_enter() at netbsd:mutex_vector_enter+0x32c
unp_thread() at netbsd:unp_thread+0x2eb
db{5}> show reg
ds      64Y                                             ?
es      d2a0                    6405                    ?
fs      269d                    563                     563
gs      0
rdi     fffffe834689f040        fffffe83471f1700        fffffe83481f1700
rsi     1000
rbp     fffffe811d83bc20        fffffe811d811c20        fffffe811d811c20
rbx     fffffe834689f040        fffffe83481f1700        fffffe83481f1700
rdx     fffffffffffffff0
rcx     fffffffffffffff0
rax     fffffe811d7ed2a0
r8      fffffe811d7ed2a0
r9      0
r10     0
r11     2                       1                       1
r12     0
r13     0
r14     fffffe811d7ed2a0
r15     0
rip     fffffff8027663b mutex_vector_enter+0x32c
cs      8
rflags  10286
rsp     fffffe811d83bbc0        fffffe811d811bc0        fffffe811d811bc0
ss      0
netbsd:mutex_vector_enter+0x32c:        movq    18(%rdx),%rax
db{5}> reboot 4

The machine than hangs hard, I need to press reset.

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