On 17.12.2019 15:44, Andrew Doran wrote:
>>>> Typically with a character device, the kmod can get unloaded while an ioctl
>>>> is being executed on it.
> That's solvable.  Conceptually I think the main stumbling block is that
> there are two layers at play which need to reconciled: specfs and devsw.  It
> could also be an opportunity to lessen the distinction between block and
> character devices, there's no real need for cached access from userspace,
> that would simplify things too.
>>>> When it comes to syscalls, I haven't looked
>>>> closely, but the issue is likely the same.
> It's atomic and side effect free if done correctly.  We have pleasing
> examples of this.  This is hard to get right though, so naturally mistakes
> are made.

It would be nice to have at least an example of doing it right.

> Andrew

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