On Sun, 14 Jun 2020, David Holland wrote:


This raises two points that need to be bikeshedded:

(1) What's the new tool called, and where does it live in the tree?
"usr.bin/makesyscalls" is fine with me but ymmv.

"usr.bin/makesyscalls" sounds good to me.

(2) What is the installed syscall description file called and where
does it go? It is likely to be derived from (i.e., not the same as)
syscalls.master. It isn't a C header file so it doesn't belong in
/usr/include. It isn't necessarily particularly human-readable. My
suggestion would be to add a directory in /usr/share for API
descriptions and put it there, something like maybe

Perhaps /usr/share/sys/syscalls.def ?

I'd suspect we might find more .../sys/... stuff (compared to the
amound of .../api... stuff) in the future which could minimize the
lonliness of syscalls.def  :)  Or even maybe /usr/share/kern/...
might work.

| Paul Goyette       | PGP Key fingerprint:     | E-mail addresses:     |
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