Dave Tyson writes:
> I have wine 4.4 working under NetBSD 9.99.23 amd64 (> 1 year ago) and 
> recently 
> tried against a recent current - 9.99.81.
> Wine now complains:
> i386_set_ldt: Operation not permitted
> Did you reconfigure the kernel with "options USER_LDT"?
> but GENERIC has the option enabled and strings on the kernel shows:
> _CFG_options \011USER_LDT\011# User-settable LDT, used by Wine
> I am guessing a change between 9.99.23 and 9.99.81 has broken the 
> functionality, but before I bisect does anyone have any ideas...

try this?

  # sysctl -w machdep.user_ldt=0


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