> On Sep 21, 2021, at 10:47 PM, Michael van Elst <mlel...@serpens.de> wrote:
> thor...@me.com (Jason Thorpe) writes:
>> Trying to think about the best way to represent such a device, I guess =
>> within wscons (they almost seem sort of like a 1-axis mouse, but I could =
>> be convinced otherwise).
> You can make it a HID, because that's what it is.
> Currently we only expose USB hid devices and sys/dev/hid is not much
> more than a framework to support these. This would need to be extended
> to a real abstraction (and uhidev might then be just a subclass).

Well, ultimately, we translate “HID report” -> “ws* input event”.  Or are you 
suggesting that we should have a new interface to user-space that just sends 
HID reports?

-- thorpej

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