
I'm under the impression that MCLADDREFERENCE() may increment the wrong 

In case it's permitted (I cant't find anything to the contrary) to 
call MCLADDREFERENCE(m1, m2) and then MCLADDREFERENCE(m2, m3), then the 
second call will increment m2's ext_refcnt where it should be incrementing 
m1's one (e.g. the one all of m1, m2 and m3's m_ext_ref are pointing to), no?

So I think
        atomic_inc_uint(&(o)->m_ext.ext_refcnt);                        \
should really be
        atomic_inc_uint(&(o)->m_ext_ref->m_ext.ext_refcnt);             \
which, of course, is the same thing if MEXT_ISEMBEDDED(o) is true.

Am I getting something wrong?

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