On Sep 27, 2010, at 9:43 AM, Patrick Cable wrote:

> ALSO. I am a giant turkey and should clarify that the FPGA is sending
> data out at 4.76 mega*bits* a second (my engineer said bytes... iftop
> shows bits, someone else confirms). Still nothing that NFS should
> choke over, just the writes aren't fast enough.
> A basic diagram of how this works -
> Controlling Electronics ---> Modem FPGA -------> desktop --NFS--> dataserver

Here's a question for you -- can you split these processes?  I.e., read data 
from the FPGA and write it to local disk on the workstation, then have a 
separate process read the data from the workstation and write that to the NFS 
fileserver?  Heck, you could even turn the workstation into its own NFS 
fileserver where the data is *READ* across the network by the central 
fileserver, and then written to wherever it needs to go.

I ask because writes to a local filesystem should be much faster (and more 
deterministic) than writes to an NFS fileserver, at least when the NFS write 
situation is less than ideal.  That, and the fact that NFS reads are pretty 
much always much, much faster (and less problematical) than NFS writes.

> Unfortunately, upgrading this NFS server won't work. We purchased an
> X86 machine full of disks because we can't really afford a netapp or
> other storage, but I don't think we're throwing anything at it that it
> cant do. They're all sequential writes.

I don't think this is a hardware problem.  I think this is a software problem, 
and you just happen to have chosen a particular mix of software that is 
particularly poorly suited to this application.

The base OS itself is only part of the problem -- the other part of the problem 
is the particular age of the base OS you have installed, because I think a lot 
of these issues may have been resolved or at least significantly improved in 
more recent releases of the same OS.

Brad Knowles <b...@shub-internet.org>
LinkedIn Profile: <http://tinyurl.com/y8kpxu>

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