Most of our clients run their DC's in VMs already. VM's are always a good 
suggestion. :)

The real issue I have with running a second DC in a super small site is 
overhead. The Windows license really isn't THAT expensive at around $800 or 
less, but then you have your recurring costs:

* patches and management
* monitoring
* A/V
* CPU and memory resource consumption
* Yet Another Box In Your Network

Or, we could just spend a few dollars a month for a hosted secondary DNS 
service. Of course, offsite DNS doesn't help if your DC goes KABLAM! and you 
need to restore AD, but again I'm fielding options.

So that's the angle I'm trying to use to attack this problem.

-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Yuroff [] 
Sent: Friday, October 01, 2010 2:11 PM
To: Dustin Puryear; LOPSA Tech List
Subject: Re: [lopsa-tech] Offsite DNS hosting for Active Directory

On 10/1/10 1:15 PM, "Dustin Puryear" <> wrote:

> We have a [common] situation where a company has a single site, has Active
> Directory, and only has one Domain Controller (DC). We could bring up a second
> DC, but there are hardware and licensing costs. That, and most AD networks
> that are workstation-heavy can survive quite well after a DC goes down for a
> good bit of time. If you exclude the fact that the DC is also the DNS primary
> for that network.
> Anyone know of a DNS hosting service that is known to play well with hosting
> secondary DNS for AD DNS?
> And what are your thoughts on this in terms of security? Anyone using a
> hosting service to provide secondary DNS capabilities for internal DNS?
> ---

Is there any existing hardware that would be suitable for running a 2nd DC
in a VM?  I ran 5-6 VM's (including a DC) in an Ubuntu/VMWare Server setup
before I moved to Xen, on a server that was low end 3 years ago.  You'd
still have the licensing issue, but how many months of DNS hosting charges
will it take to surpass the one time license purchase?

Steve Yuroff
Network and System Administrator

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