That is just... special.

I mean, I've seen some funny comments before, but nothing that was
*that* awful...

// FIXME: what do we do here?

// FIXME: the following line is scary.

// FIXME: the following 2 functions totally suck, are useless and
should be replaced immediately.

// FIXME: Do we care about revision? We should.

// FIXME !!!

// FIXME: add comments

// FIXME: come _on_ <coder's name deleted>, you can do better than this ;-)

And a classic:

if(empty($unix_date)) {
        return "Bad date"; // careful Indy!

On 8 October 2010 16:22, Randal L. Schwartz <> wrote:
> >>>>> "Andrew" == Andrew Hume <> writes:
> Andrew> ignoring logic errors (we really wanted hour from teh epoch, and not
> Andrew> hour of teh day) and time errors (ctime does localtime, not UTC);
> Andrew> my question is, where does someone learn this technique?
> They read, not realizing that it's about what *not* to
> do. :)
>    enum boolean {
>      true,
>      false,
>      file_not_found,
>    };
> One of my favorites.
> --
> Randal L. Schwartz - Stonehenge Consulting Services, Inc. - +1 503 777 0095
> <> <URL:>
> Smalltalk/Perl/Unix consulting, Technical writing, Comedy, etc. etc.
> See for Smalltalk discussion
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