On 2009/05/13 10:40, Otto Moerbeek wrote:
> > 
> > I did some research on different operating systems regarding checksumming 
> > and
> > found that solaris had a nice option called "digest -l" which prints the
> > available algorithms and exits.  I wrote this functionality into cksum(1) 
> > that you can have if you want it.  Patch follows.
> > 
> > -peter
> I kinda like this, but comments inline.

it might be nice to display the list of algorithms when an unsupported
algorithm is chosen, e.g.

$ cksum -a foo
cksum: unknown algorithm "foo", available algorithms:
cksum, md4, md5, rmd160, sha1, sha256, sha384, sha512, sum, sysvsum.
usage: cksum [-bpqrtx] [-a algorithms] [-c [checklist ...]] [-o 1 | 2]
             [-s string] [file ...]

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